
Driving Directions: From Danbury, drive west on N.C. 8/89 for about 1.5 miles and turn left on Hanging Rock Park Road (S.R. 1001) across from Stokes-Reynolds hospital. Drive 1.5 miles to the park entrance. Instead of entering the park, turn right on Moore’s Springs Road (S.R. 1001). Drive 0.25 mile and turn left on Hall Road (S.R. 2012). After 2.6 miles, passing the parking area for the Lower Cascades, you will reach the end of the road at a junction with Mickey Road (S.R. 2011). Turn left and drive 0.75 mile to Charlie Young Road (S.R. 2028) on the left. Turn left and continue 0.3 mile to a paved parking area on the left.
Hiking Directions: Take the blue-blazed Tory’s Den trail on the upper end of the parking area. You will soon reach a T junction. To the right is Tory’s Den, a 30-foot-long cave said to have been a hideaway for Tories during the Revolutionary War. To the left, it is a short walk to a rock outcrop and a view of the waterfall. As far as I can tell, there is no way to scramble down for a better view.